Let's take our digital world and make it real.

Physical objects are limiting, unable to change. Digital objects are abstract, unable to hold them in your hand. But what if we could change that?... Welcome to SnapAs!

Use our app to bring your digital content into the real world. Scroll down for more details and sign up for our beta today!

Sign up for beta

We're currently in beta, giving people early access to help make the product as great as it can be. Click the button to join our list today!

Snapas scan QR on photo frame

Stop recording videos just to lose them in your phone gallery!

What if that video of your baby could be next to their picture on the wall?

What if your first dance together could be watched back with ease?

Use our service to attach videos to real world objects!

QR Save the dates

Bring static objects to life!

What if you could personalise a gift without crafting something from scratch?

What if you could send out an invitation using your voice or a song?

Use our service to add an extra personal touch for those you love!

All Snapas products

The physical world can work together with the digital. At SnapAs we take the digital world and make it real!